How to make your own preserved lemons

 Preserved lemons are a wonderful ingredient in Moroccan cooking, for tagines and salads. Beyond that, you can use it to add a salty, citrusy umami to all kinds of salad dressings, vegetable dishes, and marinades.  


- 4-6 lemons (preferably Meyer lemons)

- 1/4 - 1/2 cup kosher salt

- Additional lemon juice (if needed)

- Sterilized glass jar with a tight-fitting lid


1. Start by sterilizing your glass jar and lid. You can do this by washing them with hot, soapy water, rinsing well, and then submerging them in boiling water for a few minutes. Let them air dry completely.

2. Wash the lemons thoroughly to remove any dirt or wax.  Slice them into quarters, but do not cut all the way through. Leave about 1/2 inch of the lemon intact at the base.

3. Place about 1 tablespoon of kosher salt into the bottom of the sterilized jar. Take one lemon and open the quarters gently, keeping them intact. Sprinkle salt inside the lemon and pack it tightly with more salt. Place the salted lemon into the jar and repeat with the remaining lemons, packing them closely together.

4. Once all the lemons are in the jar, add any remaining salt on top. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the lemons until they are completely covered, and the jar is completely full. If there is not enough juice from the lemons, you can add some extra lemon juice.  

5. Close the jar tightly with the sterilized lid. Leave the jar at room temperature for a day or two to start the fermentation process, in a cool dark place.

6. After a day or two, you may notice bubbles forming and the lemons starting to soften. After a week you can move the jar to the refrigerator and let the lemons ferment for about 3 more weeks. During this time, shake the jar occasionally to distribute the salt and juice.

7. The preserved lemons are ready to use when the peel has softened and the flavors have melded together. You can use them in a variety of dishes like tagines, salads, stews, or even on top of grilled fish or chicken. 

Note: It's important to use clean utensils each time you remove a preserved lemon from the jar to prevent contamination. Also, make sure the lemons are fully submerged in the juice to avoid mold growth. Store in the refrigerator once opened, and they will last for several months. 


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